Graphic designer working within the scope of advertising, print design, branding, and typography. Multidisciplinary, emotion-driven, research-led and concept centered.

📹 Watching: Sex and the City (1998)
💽 Listening To: CHIHIRO — Billie Eilish
💌 Recently Logged: But I’m a Cheerleader (1999)



Bitter Sweets

‘Bitter Sweets’ is a two-part cookbook series that follows the stages of a relationship from beginning to end. With its tongue-in-cheek attitude, ‘Bitter Sweets’ is a cookbook that guides the reader through situational relationship conversations that are awkward or tough to have, almost serving as a guide to fall back on.

With hyperaware copy and pop culture based references, ‘Bitter Sweets’ is a cookbook for the digitally aged generation that uses humor as a coping mechanism.

All photography and spreads by Harry Lada. Recipes and cake decoration provided by Molly Steavpack.

Each cake is accompanied with a drink, put into its own separate cookbook.