Harry Lada

Graphic designer working within the scope of advertising, print design, branding, and typography. Multidisciplinary, emotion-driven, research-led and concept centered.

📹 Recently Watched: Shiva Baby (2020)
💽 On Repeat: I Love To Dance — Isaac Dunbar
💌 Currently Reading: The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath (1963)



Los Angeles Apparel
Annual Report

Highlighting five years of business, the 2020 Los Angeles Apparel annual report pays tribute to their previous company (American Apparel) before the current rebrand and launch while ushering in a new precedent.

With confident and honest headlines and copy, the annual report brings in a new sense of transparency for the company, acknowledging their history. Photography was done on film for a raw and edgy fill, paired with inserts and vellum overlays to both drive forth the “transparency” motif and stylistic confidence.