Graphic designer @ Grindr based in Los Angeles, CA. Multidisciplinary, emotion-driven, research-led and concept centered.

💌 Current Hyperfixation: SoulCycle
💽 Listening To: Diet Pepsi — Addison Rae
📹 Recently Watched: American Psycho (2000)



PrEP Talks

“PrEP Talks” is a campaign with Planned Parenthood that aims to reduce the lack of knowledge surrounding the HIV preventative treatment. Whether it be ways of accessibility, its effectiveness, cost of payment, or the demographic it’s for, PrEP Talks combats preexisting notions by addressing what viewers think they may or may not already “know.”

Through conversational copy and AIDS activist Keith Haring inspired illustrations, the campaign aims to spark intrigue whilst also ushering in a visual that addresses the topic of PrEP beyond the means of hypersexualization.  

Out-of-home billboard placement with a conversational style approach to catch the viewer’s attention. Aiming to reframe consumer perception of medication usage.

Print promotional cards discussing cost of payment and Planned Parenthood’s part in making safe sex accessible for all. QR code guides viewer with a direct link for more resources.

Social Posts for digital platforms that aim to destigmatize the conversation and language around STDs and preventative treatment.

Wheatpasted poster series discussing and debunking the belief that PrEP is exclusively for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Provides cited sources detailing the rise of HIV within heterosexual-identifying people.